A Confession: I wanted to change the name of our camp

“Camp what? I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” “Camp Good News,” I say a little more loudly, cringing a little. “Okaaaay.” The swimming pool administrator reads aloud as she types into her computer. “Good News Camp.” For a time I wasn’t a big fan of the name of the camp we direct.  In my mind,…

What the smallest ones taught me about diversity and unity

This isn’t another blog post claiming to have the answer to racial reconciliation- I don’t have a new perspective with different factors that no one else has ever thought of before. I don’t have any more answers than I did at the beginning of the week. These are just some pictures of team-building games and other activities with a group of kids I spent the last week with. A group of kids who could teach the world a whole lot about reconciliation and the beauty of diversity within community. And I hope that in sharing them, hope might be rekindled in your heart too.

The #1 Question

If you were to take a guess at the #1 question I’m asked at camp, what do you think it would be? “When can I play games?” “Why do I need to shower?” “What are we having for lunch?” All of those questions are popular, but the #1 question I’m asked at camp is “Where…

how does passion grow?

How does passion grow? Can it be produced by strategic planting, watering, and tending? Is it birthed in the throes of struggle and pain? Does it ride in shining armor and arrive in splendor? Maybe passion waits in the places you don’t expect.  It’s the spark glowing hot, floating in while you are unsuspecting and drifting quietly into…